A Few Memories from ING Marathon- March 21, 2010
Marathon-ing Tips
- Dedicate enough time to complete 20-40 miles a week of running.
- Trim your toenails to help minimize bruising or breaking of your nails.
- Remember the first 3 miles are always tough due to your body adapting to the increase in heart rate, blood pressure, stroke volume, and more dorky physiological things. Just take my word.
- Don't over dress. 26.2 miles is a long way. You're going to warm up. Wear enough clothes so that when you are at rest you feel a little chilly, but not too warm. If it's summer time, I recommend wearing the least amount of clothing possible to help your body heat escape and aid in cooling.
- Hydrate yourself. After about 45 minutes of running, water shouldn't be your first choice. Drink a sports drink to help refuel your muscles. It is good to drink water, but remember to incorporate a sports drink. This will help avoid/delay muscle cramps. When running a marathon, I recommended after mile 10 to get you a sip of some sort of sports drink at each hydration station. Remember, to not over do it. Don't consume too much of a drink so that you feel the liquid bouncing as you run.
- Hills are everyone's worst enemy. That's all I have to say on that.
- The last 6 miles really are the hardest. You just ran 20 miles, now finish strong with one last 10k. At this point in the race it is a mental thing. Stay positive and keep truckin' on.
- For a marathon there will be spots of little to no cheering support. Don't let it get to you. You need the support at those moments, but try focusing on something different. Admire the scenery, sing to your music, or find something to count and make a game out of it. Just keep your mind active.
- Have fun! Enjoy the run and stay positive. You're running a marathon for god's sake! :)
- Refuel once you cross the finish line. After you receive your medal and show it off, of course. All your energy sources will be depleted at the end of the race so start consuming carbohydrates and proteins to re-energize your muscles. Consumption should take place no longer than 30-40 minutes after you stop running.
- As much as you don't want to keep walking. Walking will help keep your blood from pooling and aid in redistributing the blood back to normal. Just walk it out, even if you do look crippled.
Marathon-ing Tip/ Exercise of the Week: Rest, roll, and stretch. Let your muscles rest after running 26.2 miles. This may be for a week, two, or even three. It all depends on how hard and long you ran. Your muscles just went through a lot of wear and tear, let them rest and rebuild. Roll your muscles on a foam roller or get a massage. This will help keep blood from pooling and work out an knots. You want to keep your muscles loose to help blood flow through out your sore muscles. WARNING: It's going to hurt, but it's worth it. Stretch after the marathon. Your muscles are going to be tight, maybe tighter than they ever have been. Start slow and work your way down creating a more intense stretch. You want to keep your muscles loose not only to help with blood flow, but always to aid in every day tasks. These three techniques will aid in a speedy recovery so you won't miss out on too much exercise. However, don't push yourself to start running too soon. Let your muscles rest. It's for the best. :)
Marathon-ing Songs of the Week: My marathon playlist consisted of a wide variety of music. I think it's important to incorporate different genres for long runs to avoid getting bored. Enjoy!
1. 1901- Phoenix
2. Skinny Little Bitch- Hole
3. Lay Me Down- Dirty Heads ft. Rome
4. Welcome To The World- Kevin Rudolf
5. My Drink n' My 2 Step- Cassidy
6. Strange- Reba McEntire
7. Give Me The Meltdown- Rob Thomas
8. Can You Tell- Ra Ra Riot
9. Lose Control- Missy Elliot ft. Ciara and Fatman Scoop
10. Dancing Nancies- DMB
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